CBERA.J. Stagliano, Ph. D
A.J. Stagliano, Ph. D
Erivan K. Haub School of Business, Saint Joseph’s University, USAJ. Stagliano is Professor of Accounting in the Erivan K. Haub School of Business at Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. The initial (1985-95) holder of the Edward G. Sutula Endowed Chair in Accounting, he holds degrees from the Wharton School (B.S.), University of Michigan (MBA), and the University of Illinois (Ph.D.). The former Chairman of the Department of Accounting and Legal Studies at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA, Dr. Stagliano previously served on the faculty at the University of Maryland. Dr. Stagliano’s research currently is focused in the area of corporate financial disclosures of cyber-risk threats, sustainability efforts, social responsibility/accountability, and environmental costs/liabilities. His more than 200 research publications have appeared in a wide array of academic journals over the past 40 years.